
Monocrystalline Pillars (40% off Black Friday)

Was: $360.00
Now: $216.00
(1 review) Write a Review
2.00 Ounces

Each batch is a single, custom macromolecule grown in one of the most sophisticated commercial facilities in the world, then painstakingly cut and polished.


Produced specifically for rapid heat transfer, this particular configuration is second only to perfect diamonds (which degrade at elevated temperatures anyway).


The result is the best performing dab material we've seen in over a decade of pursuit.  Flavor is comparable to Diamondium™ but consistenly reviewed as smoother.  Vapor production is unmatched.

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  • 5
    This thing is *NICE*!

    Posted by Kuma Kommando on Feb 28th 2025

    TL;DR The 5x30 absolutely slaps. My curiosity has always had me wondering how Polycrystaline would stack against Monocrystaline. They are very close in terms of performance and quality, but I have to hand it to the Mono. It just seems smoother and more efficient at vaporization. I could be just imagining things but the taste and scent was just a tiny bit extra and clean. It's noon and my first dab since midday yesterday. I would normally hack up my lungs on the first round but it was supremely smooth. I say it's definitely worth a go if the price is right. I can see where having a pillar made from a singular crystalline structure would work better than a few pieces formed together.